Icons Key
To shorten the display, icons are used to represent various features and classifications. If you have a mouse, hovering over an icon will give a more detailed description. A key of all icons is provided below.
- ⚘︎ Agricultural
- ⛺︎ Colony
- ♨︎ Damaged
- ⚒︎ Extraction
- ⚛︎ High-Tech
- ⚛︎⚒︎ High-Tech-Extraction
- ⚛︎⚙︎ High-Tech-Industrial
- ⚛︎⚙︎⚒︎ High-Tech-Industrial-Extraction
- ⚙︎ Industrial
- ⚙⚒︎ Industrial-Extraction
- ⚙⚔︎ Industrial-Military
- ⚙⚗︎ Industrial-Refinery
- ⚙⛱︎ Industrial-Tourism
- ⚔︎ Military
- ▦︎ Prison
- ⚗︎ Refinery
- ⚗︎⚒︎ Refinery-Extraction
- ⚗︎⚛︎ Refinery-High-Tech
- ⚠︎ Repair
- ⊚︎ Rescue
- ✆︎ Service
- ♁︎ Terraforming
- ☣︎ Thargoid Interference
- ⛱︎ Tourism
- ⚛︎⛱︎ Tourism-High-Tech
- ☣︎ Blight
- ▲︎ Boom
- ▼︎ Bust
- ☺︎ Civil Liberty
- ☹︎ Civil Unrest
- ☀︎ Drought
- ☒︎ Election
- ⏩︎ Expansion
- ☕︎ Famine
- ⚡︎ Infrastructure Failure
- ⇥︎ Investment
- ⚿︎ Lockdown
- 🌋︎ Natural Disaster
- ○︎ None
- ☣︎ Outbreak
- ☠︎ Pirate Attack
- ⚑︎ Public Holiday
- ⏪︎ Retreat
- 💣︎ Terrorism
- ⚔︎ War
Station Facilities
- ☠︎ Black Market
- 💱︎ Broker
- ⛴︎ Carrier Construction
- ⛵︎ Carrier Management
- ✪︎ Cartographics
- ⚚︎ Commodities
- ☏︎ Contacts
- ⎈︎ High-Quality Outfitting
- ♳︎ Material Broker: Data
- ♵︎ Material Broker: Manufactured
- ♴︎ Material Broker: Raw
- ✉︎ Missions
- ⎈︎ Outfitting
- ✈︎ Passengers
- ✔︎ Refuel
- ✔︎ Repair
- ✔︎ Restock
- ⚓︎ Shipyard
- ♶︎ Tech Broker
- ☠︎ Anarchy
- ☭︎ Communist
- ✤︎ Confederacy
- ⊜︎ Cooperative
- ⚚︎ Corporate
- ✘︎ Democracy
- ▦︎ Detention Centre
- ✊︎ Dictatorship
- ⚙︎ Engineer
- ⚜︎ Feudal
- ♚︎ Patronage
- ▥︎ Prison Colony
- ⛪︎ Theocracy
System Facilities
- ◐ Ammonia World
- ⛯ Compromised Nav Beacon
- ♁ Earthlike
- ⚒ Haz RES
- ⚒ High RES
- ⚳ Icy Belt Cluster
- ⊚ Icy Rings
- ⚒ Low RES
- ⚳ Metal-Rich Belt Cluster
- ⊚ Metal-Rich Rings
- Metallic Belt Cluster
- Metallic Rings
- ⚒ Normal RES
- ⚳ Rocky Belt Cluster
- ⊚ Rocky Rings
- ◐ Terraforming Candidate
- ⛽︎ Aquarius Class Tanker
- ▣︎ Banner Class Bulk Cargo Ship
- ⚛︎ Bowman Class Science Vessel
- ▣︎ Damaged Banner Class Bulk Cargo Ship
- ⛰︎ Freedom Class Survey Vessel
- ▣︎ Gordon Class Bulk Cargo Ship
- ▣︎ Henry Class Bulk Cargo Ship
- ▣︎ Hercules Class Bulk Cargo Ship
- ▣︎ Hogan Class Bulk Cargo Ship
- ▣︎ James Class Bulk Cargo Ship
- ⚛︎ Lowell Class Science Vessel
- ⛽︎ Naphtha Class Tanker
- ⛱︎ Sagan Class Tourist Ship
- ▣︎ Samson Class Bulk Cargo Ship
- ⚘︎ Agricultural
- ⛺︎ Civilian
- ✆︎ Communications
- ⚙︎ Industrial
- ☤︎ Medical
- ⚔︎ Military
- ⚛︎ Scientific
- ▥︎ Security
- ⛱︎ Tourist
- ♜︎ Unauthorised
- ✭︎ Strategic Asset
- ⌂︎ Native Faction