State Effects
This section shows the effects on commodity prices and supply/demand levels by state. Data for uncommon states is more likely to be incomplete or inaccurate.
Effects of States
- Blight ☣︎
- Boom ▲︎
- Bust ▼︎
- Civil Liberty ☺︎
- Civil Unrest ☹︎
- Drought ☀︎
- Election ☒︎
- Expansion ⏩︎
- Famine ☕︎
- Infrastructure Failure ⚡︎
- Investment ⇥︎
- Lockdown ⚿︎ (no market)
- Natural Disaster 🌋︎
- None ○︎
- Outbreak ☣︎
- Pirate Attack ☠︎
- Public Holiday ⚑︎
- Retreat ⏪︎
- Terrorism 💣︎
- War ⚔︎
This table shows the ratios between supply and demand for all commodities. 100% is equal supply and demand, with greater being more supply. Ratios are shown for tonnage and for credit value of goods.
Economy | ☣︎ Blight | ▲︎ Boom | ▼︎ Bust | ☺︎ Civil Liberty | ☹︎ Civil Unrest | ☀︎ Drought | ☒︎ Election | ⏩︎ Expansion | ☕︎ Famine | ⚡︎ Infrastructure Failure | ⇥︎ Investment | 🌋︎ Natural Disaster | ○︎ None | ☣︎ Outbreak | ☠︎ Pirate Attack | ⚑︎ Public Holiday | ⏪︎ Retreat | 💣︎ Terrorism | ⚔︎ War |
Agricultural ⚘︎ |
173.5% T
102.9% Cr
173.4% T
100.1% Cr
205.8% T
91.7% Cr
64.1% T
52.4% Cr
52.4% T
50.0% Cr
207.2% T
108.4% Cr
0.3% T
1.1% Cr
89.1% T
14.9% Cr
90.7% T
78.1% Cr
172.7% T
55.8% Cr
Colony ⛺︎ |
15.9% T
2.2% Cr
15.3% T
2.1% Cr
2.2% T
0.6% Cr
4.4% T
0.8% Cr
11.5% T
1.5% Cr
6.8% T
0.8% Cr
20.4% T
2.7% Cr
11.5% T
1.6% Cr
Extraction ⚒︎ |
155.5% T
150.0% Cr
522.5% T
154.0% Cr
159.2% T
146.0% Cr
10.1% T
7.7% Cr
104.8% T
90.9% Cr
38.3% T
50.9% Cr
41.3% T
51.0% Cr
117.4% T
121.8% Cr
0.0% T
0.0% Cr
71.3% T
67.9% Cr
91.6% T
99.8% Cr
118.6% T
128.0% Cr
High-Tech ⚛︎ |
12.8% T
5.6% Cr
13.0% T
5.7% Cr
6.9% T
2.7% Cr
12.8% T
1.6% Cr
3.2% T
2.0% Cr
3.8% T
2.1% Cr
9.5% T
4.0% Cr
0.6% T
0.8% Cr
6.7% T
2.7% Cr
28.7% T
24.0% Cr
8.9% T
3.6% Cr
Industrial ⚙︎ |
70.0% T
25.6% Cr
73.6% T
25.8% Cr
38.4% T
15.1% Cr
14.7% T
1.8% Cr
15.0% T
10.1% Cr
22.3% T
11.4% Cr
54.6% T
19.8% Cr
3.4% T
2.3% Cr
37.4% T
14.7% Cr
29.8% T
31.8% Cr
61.7% T
20.3% Cr
Military ⚔︎ |
15.6% T
4.2% Cr
15.3% T
4.2% Cr
7.3% T
0.7% Cr
10.4% T
1.8% Cr
3.6% T
1.7% Cr
0.1% T
0.0% Cr
4.2% T
1.5% Cr
11.8% T
3.3% Cr
0.4% T
0.1% Cr
6.6% T
1.4% Cr
10.7% T
7.8% Cr
11.2% T
3.0% Cr
Refinery ⚗︎ |
35.9% T
23.3% Cr
37.9% T
23.9% Cr
23.5% T
15.1% Cr
8.4% T
9.0% Cr
2.4% T
2.0% Cr
12.9% T
15.2% Cr
37.5% T
19.1% Cr
0.0% T
0.1% Cr
22.0% T
15.0% Cr
51.8% T
87.1% Cr
29.4% T
18.0% Cr
Service ✆︎ |
15.5% T
1.7% Cr
15.1% T
1.6% Cr
11.1% T
1.2% Cr
2.3% T
0.5% Cr
4.5% T
0.6% Cr
11.3% T
1.2% Cr
0.0% T
0.0% Cr
6.6% T
0.6% Cr
22.3% T
1.3% Cr
11.2% T
1.2% Cr
Terraforming ♁︎ | |||||||||||||||||||
Tourism ⛱︎ |
15.7% T
1.8% Cr
15.2% T
1.7% Cr
7.6% T
0.9% Cr
11.7% T
1.3% Cr
2.2% T
0.5% Cr
0.2% T
0.0% Cr
4.4% T
0.7% Cr
11.4% T
1.3% Cr
6.8% T
0.7% Cr
19.0% T
1.3% Cr
Effects on Commodities
- tritium
- onionheadc
- unocuppiedescapepod
- thargoidtissuesampletype6
- thargoidtissuesampletype9a
- thargoidtissuesampletype9b
- thargoidtissuesampletype9c
- thargoidpod
- Advanced Catalysers
- Advanced Medicines
- Agri-Medicines
- Agronomic Treatment
- Alexandrite
- Algae
- Aluminium
- Animal Meat
- Animal Monitors
- Aquaponic Systems
- Articulation Motors
- Atmospheric Processors
- Auto-Fabricators
- Basic Medicines
- Bauxite
- Beer
- Benitoite
- Bertrandite
- Beryllium
- Bioreducing Lichen
- Biowaste
- Bismuth
- Black Box
- Bootleg Liquor
- Bromellite
- Building Fabricators
- Ceramic Composites
- Chemical Waste
- Clothing
- CMM Composite
- Cobalt
- Coffee
- Coltan
- Combat Stabilisers
- Computer Components
- Conductive Fabrics
- Consumer Technology
- Copper
- Crop Harvesters
- Cryolite
- Damaged Escape Pod
- Domestic Appliances
- Emergency Power Cells
- Energy Grid Assembly
- Evacuation Shelter
- Exhaust Manifold
- Explosives
- Fish
- Food Cartridges
- Fruit and Vegetables
- Gallite
- Gallium
- Geological Equipment
- Gold
- Goslarite
- Grain
- Grandidierite
- H.E. Suits
- Hardware Diagnostic Sensor
- Heatsink Interlink
- HN Shock Mount
- Hostage
- Hydrogen Fuel
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Imperial Slaves
- Indite
- Indium
- Insulating Membrane
- Ion Distributor
- Jadeite
- Land Enrichment Systems
- Landmines
- Lanthanum
- Leather
- Lepidolite
- Liquid oxygen
- Liquor
- Lithium
- Lithium Hydroxide
- Low Temperature Diamonds
- Magnetic Emitter Coil
- Marine Equipment
- Medical Diagnostic Equipment
- Meta-Alloys
- Methane Clathrate
- Methanol Monohydrate Crystals
- Micro Controllers
- Micro-weave Cooling Hoses
- Microbial Furnaces
- Military Grade Fabrics
- Mineral Extractors
- Mineral Oil
- Modular Terminals
- Moissanite
- Monazite
- Muon Imager
- Musgravite
- Nanobreakers
- Narcotics
- Natural Fabrics
- Neofabric Insulation
- Nerve Agents
- Non-Lethal Weapons
- Occupied Escape Pod
- Osmium
- Painite
- Palladium
- Performance Enhancers
- Personal Effects
- Personal Weapons
- Pesticides
- Platinum
- Polymers
- Power Converter
- Power Generators
- Power Transfer Bus
- Praseodymium
- Progenitor Cells
- Pyrophyllite
- Radiation Baffle
- Rare Artwork
- Reactive Armour
- Reinforced Mounting Plate
- Resonating Separators
- Rhodplumsite
- Robotics
- Rutile
- Samarium
- Scrap
- Semiconductors
- Serendibite
- Silver
- Skimmer Components
- Structural Regulators
- Superconductors
- Surface Stabilisers
- Survival Equipment
- Synthetic Fabrics
- Synthetic Meat
- Synthetic Reagents
- Taaffeite
- Tantalum
- Tea
- Telemetry Suite
- Thallium
- Thermal Cooling Units
- Thorium
- Titanium
- Tobacco
- Uraninite
- Uranium
- Void Opals
- Water
- Water Purifiers
- Wine
- Wreckage Components