Reserves at Lattu Bay ○︎

Economy size: 787,000

Total estimated reserves: 524,096

Total estimated demand: 2,143,663

Last update: 22 December 3310

Commodity Status Stock/Demand Baseline Stock/Demand Relative Production/Consumption Price History
Advanced Medicines Imports -3562 -3768 Average 1783 Advanced Medicines History
Agronomic Treatment Imports -34 3574 Agronomic Treatment History
Algae Imports -83905 -79555 Very high 670 Algae History
Aluminium Imports -88374 -109161 Very high 876 Aluminium History
Animal Meat Imports -3229 -3120 Very high 1949 Animal Meat History
Atmospheric Processors Exports 24001 24042 Very high 304 Atmospheric Processors History
Auto-Fabricators Imports -5724 -7220 Very high 4470 Auto-Fabricators History
Basic Medicines Exports 7792 7806 High 228 Basic Medicines History
Beer Imports -18027 -18045 High 704 Beer History
Beryllium Imports -30745 -33000 Very high 9133 Beryllium History
Biowaste Exports 2396 2399 Low 46 Biowaste History
Bootleg Liquor Imports -210 -223 Average 551 Bootleg Liquor History
Building Fabricators Exports 42856 43195 High 1803 Building Fabricators History
Ceramic Composites Imports -129234 -129520 Very high 722 Ceramic Composites History
Clothing Exports 1553 1556 Very low 228 Clothing History
CMM Composite Imports -7986 -7986 Average 6736 CMM Composite History
Cobalt Imports -21561 -21561 Very low 5076 Cobalt History
Coffee Imports -808 -858 Low 1949 Coffee History
Computer Components Exports 932 934 Very low 406 Computer Components History
Conductive Fabrics Imports -61755 -66574 High 1038 Conductive Fabrics History
Consumer Technology Imports -1618 -1798 Very high 7600 Consumer Technology History
Micro-weave Cooling Hoses Imports -27152 -27152 Average 1863 Micro-weave Cooling Hoses History
Copper Imports -46317 -49822 High 1038 Copper History
Crop Harvesters Exports 85579 85482 High 1803 Crop Harvesters History
Domestic Appliances Exports 9273 9273 Average 406 Domestic Appliances History
Emergency Power Cells Imports -3195 -6376 High 2886 Emergency Power Cells History
Fish Imports -9020 -8756 Very high 959 Fish History
Food Cartridges Exports 80211 80076 High 54 Food Cartridges History
Fruit and Vegetables Imports -2913 -3110 Low 858 Fruit and Vegetables History
Gallium Imports -11047 -11432 Very low 5979 Gallium History
Geological Equipment Exports 1065 1066 High 1463 Geological Equipment History
Gold Imports -26353 -3049 Low 51072 Gold History
Grain Imports -19437 -19390 Average 737 Grain History
H.E. Suits Imports -54303 -55387 High 812 H.E. Suits History
HN Shock Mount Exports 9982 9960 High 1463 HN Shock Mount History
Hydrogen Fuel Exports 37711 37711 Average 84 Hydrogen Fuel History
Hydrogen Peroxide Imports -37666 -37666 Average 3095 Hydrogen Peroxide History
Indium Imports -19831 -22215 High 6736 Indium History
Insulating Membrane Imports -5058 -5058 Average 11714 Insulating Membrane History
Leather Imports -150661 -151207 High 704 Leather History
Liquid oxygen Imports -70140 -72201 Very high 2250 Liquid oxygen History
Liquor Exports 16 19 Very low 580 Liquor History
Lithium Imports -165966 -171917 Very high 2244 Lithium History
Low Temperature Diamonds Imports -333 -238 Very high 91566 Low Temperature Diamonds History
Marine Equipment Exports 5191 5194 High 3597 Marine Equipment History
Micro Controllers Imports -2130 -2403 Very high 6345 Micro Controllers History
Mineral Extractors Exports 50309 50338 High 461 Mineral Extractors History
Natural Fabrics Imports -54036 -75110 High 959 Natural Fabrics History
Non-Lethal Weapons Imports -246 -333 Low 2300 Non-Lethal Weapons History
onionheadc Exports 4616 2465 onionheadc History
Osmium Imports -18367 -1837 Low 45029 Osmium History
Painite Imports -317 -273 Very low 46344 Painite History
Palladium Imports -21429 -2174 Low 53884 Palladium History
Performance Enhancers Imports -645 -779 Average 7600 Performance Enhancers History
Personal Weapons Exports 8397 8402 Very high 3597 Personal Weapons History
Platinum Imports -1598 -160 Low 58263 Platinum History
Polymers Imports -194715 -197864 High 683 Polymers History
Power Generators Exports 799 809 Very low 1942 Power Generators History
Praseodymium Imports -16105 -16105 Average 8588 Praseodymium History
Progenitor Cells Imports -900 -1034 High 7600 Progenitor Cells History
Reactive Armour Imports -668 -909 Average 2740 Reactive Armour History
Robotics Imports -11646 -13935 High 2477 Robotics History
Samarium Imports -10249 -10249 Average 25792 Samarium History
Scrap Exports 26796 26733 High 98 Scrap History
Semiconductors Imports -175549 -177542 Very high 1508 Semiconductors History
Silver Imports -6921 -763 Very low 40904 Silver History
Skimmer Components Exports 1110 1109 Very high 755 Skimmer Components History
Superconductors Imports -17968 -20466 Average 7600 Superconductors History
Survival Equipment Exports 533 535 High 406 Survival Equipment History
Synthetic Fabrics Imports -136021 -161115 High 715 Synthetic Fabrics History
Synthetic Meat Imports -1881 -2517 Average 787 Synthetic Meat History
Tantalum Imports -80921 -86818 Average 4733 Tantalum History
Tea Imports -2930 -2815 Very high 2140 Tea History
thargoidtissuesampletype6 Imports -167 71304 thargoidtissuesampletype6 History
thargoidtissuesampletype9a Imports -167 497426 thargoidtissuesampletype9a History
thargoidtissuesampletype9b Imports -167 271671 thargoidtissuesampletype9b History
thargoidtissuesampletype9c Imports -167 138979 thargoidtissuesampletype9c History
Thermal Cooling Units Exports 533 547 High 3127 Thermal Cooling Units History
Titanium Imports -158514 -195020 Very high 1636 Titanium History
tritium Imports -1332 53854 tritium History
unocuppiedescapepod Imports -167 4013 unocuppiedescapepod History
Uranium Imports -88107 -90650 Very high 3385 Uranium History
Water Imports -21695 -21695 High 666 Water History
Water Purifiers Exports 122445 122725 Very high 215 Water Purifiers History
Wine Imports -11774 -11382 Very high 787 Wine History