Reserves at Powell Silo ○︎

Economy size: 140,000

Total estimated reserves: 531,111

Total estimated demand: 634,731

Last update: 9 November 3310

Commodity Status Stock/Demand Baseline Stock/Demand Relative Production/Consumption Price History
Advanced Catalysers Imports -29406 -36814 Very high 3560 Advanced Catalysers History
Advanced Medicines Imports -1502 -1589 Average 1772 Advanced Medicines History
Agronomic Treatment Imports -15 3564 Agronomic Treatment History
Alexandrite Imports -218 -218 Very high 196174 Alexandrite History
Aluminium Exports 93212 93435 Average 245 Aluminium History
Animal Meat Imports -896 -922 Low 1938 Animal Meat History
Basic Medicines Imports -1128 850 Basic Medicines History
Bauxite Imports -35187 -42103 High 1560 Bauxite History
Beer Imports -7370 -7377 High 696 Beer History
Benitoite Imports -218 -218 Very high 132089 Benitoite History
Bertrandite Imports -32605 -35300 Very high 21408 Bertrandite History
Beryllium Exports 3873 3882 Average 7232 Beryllium History
Biowaste Exports 1516 1518 Very high 47 Biowaste History
Bootleg Liquor Imports -141 -137 Very high 545 Bootleg Liquor History
Chemical Waste Imports -4575 -4575 Average 659 Chemical Waste History
Clothing Imports -4911 -5358 Average 850 Clothing History
Cobalt Exports 9092 9087 Average 2687 Cobalt History
Coffee Imports -562 -543 High 1938 Coffee History
Coltan Imports -25871 -26889 High 7563 Coltan History
Conductive Fabrics Exports 13020 13006 High 364 Conductive Fabrics History
Consumer Technology Imports -567 -696 Average 7581 Consumer Technology History
Copper Exports 32549 32587 Average 364 Copper History
Cryolite Imports -5444 -5486 Very low 14410 Cryolite History
Damaged Escape Pod Imports -15 16747 Damaged Escape Pod History
Domestic Appliances Imports -2200 -2509 Very high 1091 Domestic Appliances History
Explosives Exports 13768 13791 Average 220 Explosives History
Fish Imports -3135 -3138 Low 950 Fish History
Food Cartridges Imports -1066 -1066 Very high 667 Food Cartridges History
Fruit and Vegetables Imports -2026 -1966 High 850 Fruit and Vegetables History
Gallite Imports -9316 -10228 Very low 13584 Gallite History
Gallium Exports 18519 18561 High 4429 Gallium History
Gold Exports 1497 150 Low 44124 Gold History
Goslarite Imports -38946 -39767 Low 7613 Goslarite History
Grain Imports -8194 -8174 Average 729 Grain History
Grandidierite Imports -218 -218 Very high 175433 Grandidierite History
H.E. Suits Imports -22896 -23353 High 804 H.E. Suits History
Microbial Furnaces Imports -17229 -18112 Average 722 Microbial Furnaces History
Hostage Imports -15 34378 Hostage History
Hydrogen Fuel Exports 15900 15900 Average 84 Hydrogen Fuel History
Hydrogen Peroxide Imports -10607 -10607 Low 3079 Hydrogen Peroxide History
Indite Imports -36084 -39057 Very high 13207 Indite History
Indium Exports 16724 16678 Average 5100 Indium History
Insulating Membrane Exports 113 78 Average 9779 Insulating Membrane History
Lepidolite Imports -53032 -53870 High 1162 Lepidolite History
Liquid oxygen Exports 2975 2970 Low 644 Liquid oxygen History
Liquor Imports -721 -762 Very high 1201 Liquor History
Lithium Exports 46690 46638 Average 1290 Lithium History
Lithium Hydroxide Imports -9765 -9765 Average 5618 Lithium Hydroxide History
Low Temperature Diamonds Imports -141 -101 Very high 90302 Low Temperature Diamonds History
Methane Clathrate Imports -84121 -84121 High 1585 Methane Clathrate History
Military Grade Fabrics Exports 8194 8190 Very low 630 Military Grade Fabrics History
Mineral Oil Imports -54491 -57012 Average 714 Mineral Oil History
Monazite Imports -85 -85 Average 188278 Monazite History
Musgravite Imports -218 -218 Very high 177222 Musgravite History
Non-Lethal Weapons Imports -381 -517 Very high 2464 Non-Lethal Weapons History
Occupied Escape Pod Imports -15 30138 Occupied Escape Pod History
onionheadc Imports -1221 5617 onionheadc History
Void Opals Imports -85 -85 Very low 119931 Void Opals History
Painite Imports -176 -152 Average 45786 Painite History
Performance Enhancers Imports -198 -240 Low 7327 Performance Enhancers History
Personal Effects Imports -15 9414 Personal Effects History
Personal Weapons Imports -444 -610 Very high 4998 Personal Weapons History
Polymers Exports 54715 54746 Average 71 Polymers History
Power Generators Imports -5163 -7129 Very high 3028 Power Generators History
Progenitor Cells Imports -210 -262 Average 7327 Progenitor Cells History
Pyrophyllite Imports -33390 -33648 Low 13950 Pyrophyllite History
Reactive Armour Imports -346 -471 Very high 2549 Reactive Armour History
Resonating Separators Imports -16724 -18693 Average 6717 Resonating Separators History
Rhodplumsite Imports -176 -176 Very high 164781 Rhodplumsite History
Rutile Imports -8025 -9507 Very low 2591 Rutile History
Scrap Imports -8475 -8475 Average 696 Scrap History
Semiconductors Exports 7408 7421 Average 722 Semiconductors History
Serendibite Imports -218 -218 Very high 153626 Serendibite History
Silver Exports 1965 200 Average 33611 Silver History
Superconductors Exports 15096 15071 Average 5808 Superconductors History
Surface Stabilisers Exports 11729 11729 Average 412 Surface Stabilisers History
Synthetic Fabrics Exports 38217 38131 Average 111 Synthetic Fabrics History
Synthetic Meat Imports -1308 -1592 Very high 779 Synthetic Meat History
Tantalum Exports 22784 22784 Average 3345 Tantalum History
Tea Imports -880 -891 Low 2128 Tea History
thargoidpod Imports -15 148527 thargoidpod History
thargoidtissuesampletype6 Imports -15 71258 thargoidtissuesampletype6 History
thargoidtissuesampletype9a Imports -15 497279 thargoidtissuesampletype9a History
thargoidtissuesampletype9b Imports -15 271571 thargoidtissuesampletype9b History
thargoidtissuesampletype9c Imports -15 138911 thargoidtissuesampletype9c History
Titanium Exports 66836 66836 Very high 817 Titanium History
tritium Exports 3742 49581 tritium History
unocuppiedescapepod Imports -15 4002 unocuppiedescapepod History
Uraninite Imports -37038 -42796 High 3955 Uraninite History
Uranium Exports 30977 31012 Average 2237 Uranium History
Black Box Imports -15 30805 Black Box History
Water Imports -9148 659 Water History
Water Purifiers Imports -2077 -2835 Average 833 Water Purifiers History
Wine Imports -3635 -3699 Average 779 Wine History
Wreckage Components Imports -141 8839 Wreckage Components History